Applied Agile Project Management - FDC Group
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Applied Agile Project Management


Objective: This Agile Project Management course presents practical support to project managers and developers using or intending to use an Agile software development approach. This is achieved by introducing learners to both Agile Software Development (ASD) and Lean Software Development (LSD) in order to discuss various management and technical practices associated with these paradigms.  Learners explore the core values and practices of the Scrum framework and then critique practical supplementary practices that may be effective in different development situations.

Audience (Application Level): Experienced software development project managers who currently manage Agile software development projects or are intending to transition to this development approach in the near future. Software developers that are using or planning to leverage agile approaches.

Format: Lecture based with project specific case-studies and workshop exercises

Benefits: This Agile Project Management course will be of benefit to learners wishing to gain insights into the lean and agile software development paradigms. Explanations of the theoretical values and practices underpinning these development approaches are reinforced through participation in workshop exercises that enable delegates to apply the concepts to their own experiences.

Learning Objectives: After taking this Agile Project Management course, the learner will be able to:

  • Identify how aspirations of the Agile Manifesto and associated principles are applied in practice
  • Contrast predictive project and agile project management by exploring generally accepted best practices as presented by the Project Management Institute (PMI)®
  • Understand the Scrum lifecycle and apply the core practices of this framework
  • Determine supplementary Scrum practices to address various development situations
  • Describe the lean software development philosophy
  • Identify how lean software development values may support agile software development practices

Course Content: The following topics will be covered

  • Topic 1: – Software Development Approaches
  • Topic 2: – Agile Manifesto and practices – application of the concepts
  • Topic 3: – Project management – predictive versus adaptive
  • Topic 4: – Agile project management – core Scrum practices
  • Topic 5: – Applied agile pm: Scrum-in-action – supplementary practices from the field
  • Topic 6: – Lean Software Development (LSD) – a management philosophy
  • Topic 7: – Lean software development Values
  • Topic 8: – Application of lean terminology to Software Development

The Agile Project Management course is driven from peer-reviewed published literature on Lean and Agile Software Development, encompassing theoretical concepts and empirical findings from industrial application of these paradigms. A core feature of the course is delegate participation in workshops designed to reinforce the teaching through deliberations on the application of Scrum practices and LSD values in their working environments.

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