FDC Charity Fund: Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation

Pictured from left to right: Martina Jennings CEO and Mary Sweeny, FDC Claremorris
As part of the FDC payroll initiative, FDC Southern are proud to have chosen the Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation.
The Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation is an integral part of the communities of Mayo and Roscommon. When the foundation opened in 1992, they were the first specialist service to terminally ill patients in the area.
“A huge thanks to all of you who have supported us through our support groups, donating online, organising fundraisers, supporting our 12 charity shops, and volunteering,” says CEO Martina Jennings. “The Foundation is 30 years old this year, and it is incredible to see what has been achieved from its inception. We have grown from one doctor and nurse, to homecare teams and hospices in both counties, all from fundraised income.”
“While we celebrate all that has been achieved, we think of all those patients and families with life limiting illnesses that have been looked after by the service, and know that this service made a difficult journey more dignified and respectful,” said Mrs. Jennings.
All funds received go directly to funding palliative care services via the Hospices. The service enables patients to live the remainder of their lives to the fullest in comfort and dignity. Patients receive all services free of charge. All funds go towards helping patients through services like:
- Specialist palliative home care nursing and social work services
- Hospice care workers /sitter service and extra home help
- Counselling and psychological support to patients & families
- Financial support and advice for families who experience hardship due to illness
- Night nursing in conjunction with the ICS and the IHF
- Ongoing training and education for the team
- Other supports are available on an individual assessment basis
The Mayo & Roscommon Hospices are now open to patients. The cost of both Hospices was over €15m of donated funds.
“While we celebrate all that has been achieved, we think of all those patients and families with life limiting illnesses that have been looked after by the service, and know that this service made a difficult journey more dignified and respectful,” said Mrs. Jennings.
Please visit https://www.hospice.ie/donations/, to learn about the ways you can donate.
More about the foundation:
Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation exists to fund palliative care services to people with life-limiting illnesses and their families in County Mayo and County Roscommon.
The Foundation affirms life, respecting the uniqueness of each individual, by caring and supporting to meet the physical and emotional needs of patients and their families living with life-threatening illnesses. The Service enables patients to live out the remainder of their lives in comfort and dignity. The Palliative Care Service is provided free of charge to all.
“You matter because you are you, and you matter to the last moment of your life. We do all we can do, not only to help you die peacefully but also to live until you die.”