FDC Regional Manager Paddy Murphy – “FDC Group continues to evolve in the Midlands.”

Paddy Murphy is the FDC Group Regional Manager for the Midlands and has been with the company since 1987. In this interview, Paddy reflects on the evolution of FDC Group, his career and the challenges faced in the financial sector over the years.
Paddy has always understood the needs of our clients. Hailing from south Carlow, bordering Wexford and Kilkenny, he has a strong farming background and still farms to this day. After graduating in 1986 from University College Dublin. Paddy joined FDC Carlow amidst a turbulent period. At this time, the land tax scheme was introduced in 1985 and abolished in 1986. Paddy remarked “in those years, there was a high level of unemployment in the agriculture sector with changing governments and a general depressed economy. I joined FDC Carlow in 1987, then a team of two, and in 1989 became the Office Manager”.
In 2004, Paddy was promoted to Regional Manager for the Midlands; a region that has shown continuous progression in terms of strategic acquisitions and business sustainment. Reflecting on his time with FDC Group, Paddy determined five factors that are key to the success of the business:
- The company is managed with a trusting ethos and culture at its core.
- FDC Group has evolved as a business, providing additional services to our clients.
- The dedication of our staff to deliver business excellence.
- FDC Group has embraced advances in technology to ensure that we are operating in the most efficient way.
- We seek out opportunities to secure our position as the main financial service provider in rural Ireland.
Central to all of this is the ethos of the company. Paddy commented that “we have a General Manager in Jack Murphy who trusts in those around him. Jack has worked on putting a good team together, but more importantly he empowers the team by fully supporting what we do”. This ethos is the nucleus of the FDC Group culture. It impacts how we operate, work as a team and serve our clients.

Paddy considers one of the proudest moments to be FDC Group’s response to the demise of the Celtic Tiger in 2008 to 2011. “We were hit hard by the Celtic Tiger demise like the rest of the financial sector, but never did we flinch. We did not reduce salaries and we had no layoffs during this time”. This showed a robust model of operation from the business that can be served during the peaks as well as the troughs. FDC Group has continued to evolve in the Midlands with strategic acquisitions in Tipperary Town and Cashel, adding to our presence in Carlow, Cahir and Roscrea.
On a final note, Paddy sees FDC achieving its national goal, continuing to provide a wide range of services to its clients and provide excellent long term careers for its staff.