Benefits of Pension Scheme / Retirement Plans
Objective:- This Pension / Retirement Scheme Seminar is a designed to provide knowledge about having a productive and robust pension scheme in place. This seminar is aimed at members who are nearing retirement age. An invitation to the member’s spouse / partner to attend the Seminar is also extended. You don’t have to be about to retire to start planning for it, in fact, the sooner you understands their retirement options, the more relaxed they’ll feel about the whole process and hopefully be better placed to make the right decisions about this important phase in their life.
Audience:- The course is designed for those who are looking to validate their knowledge, skills, and experience. The course will allow you to maintain you CPD (Continuous Professional Development) requirements with your nominated institution.
Duration:- 1 hour virtual webinar
Learning Objectives: After completing this course, you should learn how to:
- How tax relief works.
- Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs).
-  Lifestyle Strategy and the Scheme’s other investment fund options.
- How to register and utilise the tools.
- Signpost to other great supports available.
Course Content – The following areas will be covered:
- FDC Group is a GOLD partner with ACCA
- FDC Group is a Authorised Training Partner with PMI
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